Implementation Support



We work with our industry association, government and donor clients to support the smart implementation of sector growth and inclusive development plans. Successful implementation requires a well coordinated ecosystem across the public, private and development sectors. We leverage our networks and experience to support the coordination of these players and build the capacity of the implementers.

Our products and services:

Identifying funding sources for implementation

Industry association formation and operating model design

Building capacity of industry associations and government agencies

Upgrading capacity of local operators for export market

Matchmaking buyers and global operators with delivery locations

Identifying funding sources for implementation

Industry association formation and operating model design

Building capacity of industry associations and government agencies

Upgrading capacity of local operators for export market

Matchmaking buyers and global operators with delivery locations

What challenge are we solving?

Implementation of GBS development plans are thwarted by a lack of funding for implementation, poor coordination among the players required to implement interventions, and a lack of local implementation capacity.

Our approach to implementation support is distinctive by focusing on adaptive implementation through local capacity

Our philosophy on implementation support is different to the traditional development sector approach. This approach typically involves a mix of local and international capabilities combined for a few years until funding dries up which is not sustainable. Our approach is to build a sustainable local implementation ecosystem:

  • This requires identifying a local institution with credibility in the market to play the key coordinating, convening and implementation role, such as an industry association or government agency (e.g. an export promotion agency or economic development agency), or both
  • The identified implementers need to have adequate capacity among permanent staff in the organisations so as not to be reliant on foreign short-term contractors
  • Implementation needs to be adaptive to changing conditions as new opportunities emerge and implementation priorities shift