Blockchain report unearths revelatory contact center CX trends

Amid all the hype around the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) and the disruptive technologies shaping and driving this transformational trend, few innovations hold as much promise as the blockchain.

To contextualize this trend, The CX Blockchain Institute commissioned Knowledge Executive to conduct a comprehensive market survey that substantiates blockchain deployment within the global contact center market.

The CX Blockchain Institute, the worldwide authority dedicated to fulfilling blockchain in the customer care and CX industry, was understandably excited to explore the subject in greater depth in partnership with Knowledge Executive, a global market intelligence provider. Researchers interviewed a range of C-level executives, including contact center and customer service directors and department heads across customer care/relations and customer experience management, within eight key vertical markets in Australia, Canada, the UK and the US. You can download your copy here.

The timing and relevance of the resultant research report is significant. Blockchain technology is already reshaping the way data is stored, verified, distributed and accounted for. This is driving tectonic shifts within numerous industry verticals, as early adopters embrace the technology to improve their operational efficiency and effectiveness, while also leveraging the technology to cut costs and increase revenue by creating new products, services and business models.

After engaging with a statistically significant number of contact centre operators across a broad range of business verticals, the research team gained a holistic understanding of the market dynamics at play and used the feedback to produce quantitative statistics and supporting qualitative commentaries that offer pertinent and relevant insights around blockchain’s role and relevance in the modern contact center.

Blockchain deployment in CX

Survey findings suggest that 33% of respondents have embraced an early-adopter approach and have already implementing the technology in some business operations. A smaller, yet still significant proportion (20%) are currently deploying blockchain in most business and CX operations, while 48% are currently testing and optimizing blockchain solutions

These research findings reveal prolific market trends, with businesses in every key vertical seemingly at different stages of analysis and adoption. While clear patterns emerge with regard to the tasks and applications blockchain seeks to address in the business context, already there are innovative early adopters moving to a more advanced phase of blockchain maturity in their business, specifically within the financial services sector. As the role and application within specific businesses becomes clearer and more executives understand the value that blockchain can deliver, adoption is set to rapidly accelerate.

Knowledge Executive has delivered a report reflects the diverse viewpoints, opinions and predictions that span multiple market segments. The veracity of this information and the robust research methodologies applied, therefore, ensure that this report can be relied on to accurately shape expectations around blockchain’s application in the contact center environment and inform future strategies and implementation plans.

Genesis GBS
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